Percy C. Acuña Vigil
Architect, Master of Science. Postgraduate studies in Urban and Regional Planning in England, at the University of Edinburgh.
Studied at the Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Arts (UNI) National Engineering University (UNI) in Lima, Peru.
Epistemology in the Ph.D. program in the Graduate School at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos in Lima, Perú
Information Systems at the University of the Andes, Bogotá, Colombia and Computer Studies at the Catholic University, Lima, Peru.
Senior lecturer in the FAUA - UNI, in the subjects of Planning, Research Methodology and Architecture Research Workshop.
Founding Director of the Research Institute FAUA in Lima, Perú.
I have been working in the area of urban planning of cities in Peru as a social scientist and consultant. I am currently conducting research in the area of production and housing consumption in Peru and consultant in project engineering and planning.
Fundamentals of Urban Planning ideological aspects. Lima, 1993, Editorial FAUA. 153 pp.
Studies the development of ideas and the development of social and cultural processes that led to the formation of the western city.
Fundamentals of Urban Planning. Technical aspects. Lima, Editorial FAUA-UNI, 1999.
Where it reports over the technical aspects of the planning of cities with a critical reflective view.
Research conducted.
Formal Analysis of Urban Space. Lima, UNI, FAUA, 2003
Settlement patterns for the conditions of urbanization in Peru. Edinburgh, 1973.
The models in the analysis and design of the spatial structure of the territory. Lima, 1990
Professional Practice
Development Project Coordinator of the Huallaga River Region as FAO national counterpart.
Ministry of Agriculture, human settlements planner; counterpart FAO consultants Architects.
INP-Project Area. Head of Territorial Fitness area East Region
Director of Metropolitan Development Plan for Lima and Callao. Ministry of Housing.
Director of the National Urban Development Plan. Ministry of Housing.
Consultant for INICAM - German Konrad Adenauer Foundation in various projects of Municipal Management Development in Peru.
Consultant for the master plan, master plan for the new city of Bayobar.
1990 Head of Urban Development. Municipality of Surco. Lima. Peru
Consulting in urban and regional planning.
Consultant Integrated Sanitation studies for different cities of Peru.
Consultant in the Development of policies, plans and strategies for the North
Consultant in Diagnostic Integration zone Peruvian-Ecuadorian border.
Consultant in program development policies, programming, prioritization, and geographic location of investments in the northern region.
Consultant. Binational Development Plan Peru Bolivia border. •
Consultant. Plan Colombia Peru binational border development.
Consultant. Binational border development plan Peru Brazil.
Consultant and Planner in PAV consultants, and Director of DECOPRO.
This quote is a guide and an example I try to follow:
".. I learned from" my brother "Severe: the love of family, truth and justice, to have known, thanks to him, Thraseas, Helvidius, Cato, Dion, Brutus, having conceived the idea of a constitution based on equality before the law, governed by fairness and equal freedom of speech for all and a royalty that honors and respects, above all, freedom of subjects. From him also: application uniformity and consistent service of philosophy charity and generosity constant optimism and confidence in the friendship of friends, any pretense to those who deserved his censure, failure to require their friends conjeturaran not what I wanted or what I wanted, it was clear. "
Arquitecto, Magíster en Ciencias. He seguido estudios de Post Grado en Planeamiento Urbano y Regional en Inglaterra, en la Universidad de Edimburgo. Estudie en la Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Artes (UNI) de la Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (UNI), en Lima, Perú.
Actualmente sigo estudios de Epistemología y del Doctorado en Filosofía en el programa de la Escuela de Posgrado en la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.
Asimismo he realizado estudios de Sistemas de Información en la Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia y Estudios de Computación en la Universidad Católica, Lima, Perú.
Catedrático principal en la FAUA – UNI, en las asignaturas de Urbanismo, Metodología de la Investigación, y Taller de Investigación en Arquitectura.
He sido Director fundador del Instituto de Investigación de la FAUA.
Vengo trabajando en el área del Planeamiento Urbano de las ciudades en el Perú como científico social y consultor. Me encuentro realizando actualmente trabajos de investigación en el área de la producción y consumo de la vivienda en el Perú y de consultoria en proyectos de ingeniería y de planeamiento.
Investigaciones realizadas.
Ejercicio Profesional
Esta cita es una guía y un ejemplo que trato de seguir:
«..aprendi de «mi hermano» Severo: el amor a la familia, a la verdad y a la justicia; el haber conocido, gracias a él, a Traseas, Helvidio, Catón, Dión, Bruto; el haber concebido la idea de una constitución basada en la igualdad ante la ley, regida por la equidad y la libertad de expresión igual para todos, y de una realeza que honra y respeta, por encima de todo, la libertad de los súbditos. De él también: la uniformidad y constante aplicación al servicio de la filosofía; la beneficencia y generosidad constante; el optimismo y la confianza en la amistad de los amigos; ningún disimulo para con los que merecían su censura; el no requerir que sus amigos conjeturaran qué quería o qué no quería, pues estaba claro».
(Marco Aurelio. Editorial Planeta DeAgostini. Madrid España. 1995, en I.14 p. 52):
Crédito de la foto: Maria Victoria Alvarez Angulo
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